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- 2. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
- This chapter lists information that is supplemental to the
- _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e and the
- installation instructions in the _P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _S_y_s_t_e_m
- _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e. The information listed here is
- product-specific; use it with either of those Guides to
- install this product.
- 2.1 _T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m_s
- The ToolTalk Execution product includes these subsystems:
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._l_i_n_k_s Installation links for _s_w
- subsystem
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._r_u_n_t_i_m_e ToolTalk run-time environment
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._l_i_n_k_s Installation links for _m_a_n
- subsystem
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._p_a_g_e_s Manual pages
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s Release notes
- 2.2 _T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m__D_i_s_k__S_p_a_c_e__R_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s
- This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of the
- ToolTalk Run-time Environment.
- You can use the software installation instructions in the
- _P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _S_y_s_t_e_m _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e to install this
- product. If you are installing this software for the first
- time, the default subsystems are installed if you click the
- _I_n_s_t_a_l_l _A_u_t_o_m_a_t_i_c_a_l_l_y button. To install a different set of
- subsystems, click the _C_u_s_t_o_m_i_z_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n button and make
- your new selections. Then click the _S_t_a_r_t button to launch
- the installation.
- Note: The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e
- _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e for information on
- finding exact sizes.
- Subsystem Name Subsystem Size
- (512-byte blocks)
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._l_i_n_k_s (default) 10
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._m_a_n_p_a_g_e_s (default) 52
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s (default) 38
- - 2 -
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._l_i_n_k_s (default) 10
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._r_u_n_t_i_m_e (default) 4800
- 2.3 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__M_e_t_h_o_d
- All of the subsystems for ToolTalk can be installed using
- IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the
- _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e or the
- installation instructions in the _P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l _S_y_s_t_e_m
- _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for complete installation instructions.
- 2.4 _P_r_e_r_e_q_u_i_s_i_t_e_s
- You must be running IRIX 5.3 to use Version 1.2.2 of this
- product.
- The following prerequisites external to ToolTalk apply to
- the _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._r_u_n_t_i_m_e subsystem:
- +o You must have installed the execution C library
- (_e_o_e_1._s_w._i_r_i_x__l_i_b).
- +o You must have installed the X11 execution environment
- (_x__e_o_e._s_w._e_o_e).
- +o You must have installed the TCP/IP networking support
- (_e_o_e_2._s_w._t_c_p).
- Within ToolTalk, the following prerequisites apply:
- +o _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._l_i_n_k_s must always be installed.
- +o _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._l_i_n_k_s must be installed for the
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._m_a_n_p_a_g_e_s subsystem.
- 2.5 _O_t_h_e_r__I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
- ToolTalk uses an installation architecture that makes it
- easy to relocate the bulk of the installed files to
- directories that have extra space. All the ToolTalk files
- are installed under the directory /_u_s_r/_T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k, then those
- files are linked back to the appropriate spots under /_u_s_r.
- Therefore, if you do not have enough disk space on /_u_s_r to
- install the ToolTalk tools, you can install them on an
- auxiliary disk and link them back to /_u_s_r automatically.
- Here is one example of appropriate commands for installing
- locally on a disk named /_d_i_s_k_3 (execute as _r_o_o_t):
- llllnnnn ----ssss ........////ddddiiiisssskkkk3333////TTTToooooooollllTTTTaaaallllkkkk ////uuuussssrrrr (location of target of _i_n_s_t)
- - 3 -
- inst -f /CDROM/dist (location of _i_n_s_t images)
- go
- These commands link the /_u_s_r/_T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k directory to the
- /_d_i_s_k_3 disk, where there is enough space to hold the tools.
- The files are then installed on /_d_i_s_k_3, and the
- _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._s_w._l_i_n_k_s subsystem and _t_o_o_l_t_a_l_k__e_o_e._m_a_n._l_i_n_k_s
- subsystem install links pointing to those files from /_u_s_r.
- In another example, if you want to install ToolTalk on a
- file server and have users mount the software from there,
- first install the software on the server as usual:
- iiiinnnnsssstttt ----ffff ////CCCCDDDDRRRROOOOMMMM////ddddiiiisssstttt
- Then mount the server's files from _s_e_r_v_e_r:/_u_s_r/_T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k on
- the user's machine as /_u_s_r/_T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k and install _s_w and _m_a_n
- links subsystems:
- iiiinnnnsssstttt ----ffff ////CCCCDDDDRRRROOOOMMMM////ddddiiiisssstttt
- kkkkeeeeeeeepppp aaaallllllll
- iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll ttttoooooooollllttttaaaallllkkkk____eeeeooooeeee....sssswwww....lllliiiinnnnkkkkssss
- iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll ttttoooooooollllttttaaaallllkkkk____eeeeooooeeee....mmmmaaaannnn....lllliiiinnnnkkkkssss
- ggggoooo
- 2.6 _S_e_a_r_c_h__p_a_t_h
- The ToolTalk commands are installed in the directory
- /_u_s_r/_T_o_o_l_T_a_l_k/_b_i_n. They are linked from the directory
- /_u_s_r/_s_b_i_n. You should include /_u_s_r/_s_b_i_n in your search
- path.